Fake IWC Pilot’s Watch TOP GUN Timezoner Ceratanium

Fake IWC Pilot’s Watch TOP GUN Timezoner Ceratanium

Total black. The IWC Pilot’s Watch TOP GUN family expands with two new models in Ceratanium®, an innovative and revolutionary material based on a special titanium alloy developed in Schaffhausen over five years. Ceratanium®, in an elegant matt jet black color, in addition to combining the structural integrity of titanium with the scratch resistance typical…

Fake Rolex Explorer: back to basics

The Explorer, the first replica rolex technical specimen intended for more extreme uses (it is inextricably linked to the conquest of Everest in 1953), returned to its original 1950s size (36 mm) in 2021, introducing a two-tone version and updating the movement. . In your opinion, does the two-tone betray its identity? In our opinion,…